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Another Semester of Practicals at Kyambogo and FINS Completed


Last weekend our last two volunteers flew home having completed the latest semester of practical sessions for the Kyambogo University students in Kampala, Uganda, on the BME Diploma course. This time around we had a mixture of experienced and first-time volunteers and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive from the University, students and volunteers themselves.

First up was Daniela Sabella from Kings College Hospital, London, who took the 30 or so students through two weeks of Electrical Safety Testing and the Management of Medical Devices under the auspices of our Kyambogo Program Manager Jas Bilkhu (Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals Trust).

Her succesful stint was followed by our longest-serving volunteer, Satish Thaker, who spun his usual magic with X-Ray, and than even stayed on for a further two weeks to mentor our other first-time volunteer, Andy Barrow (East Kent Hospitals), who ran an excellent two week session on Cardiovascular and Patient Monitoring that was also much appreciaated by the students. Our sincere thanks to Daniela and Andy, and also to Jas and Satish for supporting them. 

Whilst they were out there Dave Robinson also undertook a week of user training for the final year midwives and nurses at Fortportal International Nursing School in the far West of the country. He has posted a more detailed account of his time there elsewhere on this site.

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