Martin Worster, our Programme Director, has recently returned from a short visit to Kyambogo University in the expert company of Ray Emslie, one of our most experienced volunteers.
They were both charged with acting upon some concerns raised as a result of the student and volunteer feedback froms completed after the last two practical semesters at Kyambogo. They spent their time ensuring that the lab was thoroughly cleaned and tidied, with all equipment checked to the Asset Register, organised properly by type and topic, and locks fitted to the cupboards in the lab to deter the propensity for tools to go a wandering.
The shortage and quality of seating in the lab was also addressed directly, and the University authorities were very helpful in getting the various concerns addressed. All is now ready for the Spring Practical Semester, which is underway as I write, and hopefully this short, sharp maintenance visit will help the volunteers to do their work more effectively. Many thanks to Ray for giving so freely of his time.