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Online Training for Uganda

On Saturday 3rd July we conducted our second online practical workshop, this time for a small group of BMEs from Uganda on behalf of Biogenics, supported by University College London. The focus this time was on Ultrasound and X-Ray with volunteers Satish Thakar, Andy Barrow and Jas Bilkhu ably assisted by Nazir Hamidi of Hilditch, and once again the venue was the BME Department of Hilditch Group in Malmesbury, UK. The volunteers ran through a range of practical maintenance and fault finding pointers using equipment that matched the items at the other end of the Zoom link at Biogenics in Uganda.

Now that we have successfully completed a couple of these one-day practical sessions it is becoming clear that even once the current Coronavirus Pandemic has wound down this could become a key tool for helping to up-skill BMEs in other countries alongside boots-on-the-ground placements, and one which is much kinder on our limited funding base! This is yet another, but more positive way in which the Pandemic has pointed the way forward.

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