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Volunteering in the time of COVID19

Unfortunately all field activities have currently been suspended as we cannot send volunteers out to Uganda, Zambia or anywhere else in Sub-Saharan Africa as long as both those destination countries and the UK require two weeks of quarantining on arrival. We are also finding it very difficult to get health insurance cover for volunteers that would include COVID 19 - perhaps unsurprising in the middle of a pandemic!

However, we do anticipate being back in business in the Spring of 2021, so do please keep watching this space for any future announcements with regard to volunteering.

In the meantime, we would like to say haw very proud indeed we are of the work that the recipients of our training in both Uganda (from Kyambogo University and FINS Medical University) and Ethiopia (from Tegbareid Technical College) have been doing in the front line of the fight against COVID 19 in those two countries. Just as we continue to be in awe of the professionalism and commitment of our very own volunteers hard at work in their respective hospitals here in the UK throughout the worst of the on going Coronavirus pandemic. To all of these people a huge THANK YOU.

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